Effect of Pump-Ins on California Aqueduct Water Quality
A model has been developed, based on the assumption of constant Aqueduct volume, to predict the effect of ground water pump-ins on Aqueduct water quality. Designated SuperCAMP (California...

Calibration of a Water Quality Model Using the Influence Coefficient Algorithm
A methodology based on the influence coefficient algorithm was established for the calibration of QUAL2E reaction coefficients. It was applied to the stream sections of the South Han River...

An Integrated Coastal Management Plan for Mamala Bay
Integrated coastal management plan (1CM), articulated in the 1993 National Research Council study Managing Wastewater in Coastal Urban Areas (NRC,1993) is a new framework for coastal environmental...

The Mamala Bay Study, Oahu, Hawaii: Introduction
A comprehensive multi-disciplinary study was conducted to evaluate the effects of point and non-point source discharges on the water quality of Mamala Bay, Oahu, Hawaii. The investigation...

Retrofitting an Urban Watershed for Improved Water Quality
A study was conducted for the Baltimore County, Maryland, Department of Enviromnental Protection, to assess the watershed conditions and stream channel stability of Stemmer's...

Lake/Reservoir Restoration Activities in Taiwan
The paper presents a brief overview of recent lake and reservoir restoration project activities in Taiwan, an island nation in a sub-tropical and relatively wet climate. Because of steep...

Washington State's Stormwater Management Program
Significant progress has been made in developing a stormwater management program at the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT). Topics highlighted in this paper include:...

Salinity Management for the Upper Gila River
Over development and over allocation of the limited water supply of the S afford valley in eastern Arizona has resulted in serious depletion of water for irrigation in the San Carlos Apache...

The Costs and Benefits of Dam Removal on the Elwha River
The Elwha River is located on the Olympic Peninsula in the State of Washington. In the early 1900s two hydroelectric dams were built on the Elwha River. Construction of Glines Canyon and...

Use of ??8O and ?D to Define Seawater Intrusion
On the basis of previous studies, more than 60 km? of upper aquifer system underlying the Oxnard Plain was believed to be intruded by seawater. Recent work has shown that there are sources...

Seawater Intrusion Solutions for the Salinas Valley
Seawater intrusion has been occurring in the aquifers of the Salinas Valley ground water basin for more than 40 years. Two capital projects that will help reduce the rate of seawater intrusion...

Emulation of DWRDSM using Artificial Neural Networks and Estimation of Sacramento River Flow from Salinity
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are widely used and well-suited for multiple non-linear regression. Department of Water Resources Delta Simulation Model (DWRDSM) is a computer model...

Reducing Model Study Time and Improving Reliability
Historically, the majority of effort expended in computer modeling of physical systems has gone into the numerical algorithms used in the computer programs. Other aspects of modeling have...

Evaluation of System Constant Volume Control
System constant volume control (SCVC) has been developed for optimal control of canal systems. The objective of system constant volume control is to maintain a reference storage (or target...

Optimization of Water Distribution System with Blending Requirements
In a multi-source, multi-quality water distribution system, local water agencies often find that it is necessary to impose blending requirements to secure the desired water quality in...

Analysis and Computation
Proceedings papers presented at the ASCE Twelfth Analysis and Computation Conference comprise this volume. Conference sessions covered such topics as: 1) Emerging computing technology;...

Visualizing the Flow
Digital modeling of passive cooling techniques now enables engineers to create comfortable environments in even the most unlikely of spaces�including glass atriums in the desert. Passive...

Estuarine and Coastal Modeling
This volume contains the proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Estuarine and Coastal Modeling held in San Diego, California, October 26-28, 1995. The conference included oral...

Operation and Maintenance of Ground Water Facilities
The objective of this manual, Operation and Maintenance of Ground Water Facilities (Manual 86), is to point out the many factors that need...

Storm-Water Treatment Goes Underground
The field of storm-water management continues to evolve as practitioners gain more experience and knowledge from the successes and failures of the past. While we once treated every site...





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